Finsulate: The future of eco-friendly antifouling

Finsulate: The future of eco-friendly antifouling

We all love the sea. We sail across the water, enjoy its colour, and admire its power. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a sailing yacht, a work vessel, or an oil tanker—the sea connects us all. But, without realizing it, we are destroying life beneath the surface while sailing. How?

Every ship has an antifouling layer, a protective hull coating that releases toxic chemicals. This layer protects the ship from algae, seaweed, and barnacles. However, over time, antifouling paint loses its toxic effectiveness. The chemicals then dissolve into the sea, killing fish, shellfish, and coral reefs.

Plastic pollution

And that’s not even the whole story. The paint also dissolves and is mostly made of microplastics. For example, the article ‘Potential Impact of Ship Coatings: Do Ships Leave Skid Marks?’ in Environmental Science and Technology by the American Chemical Society from 2021 reports on particles from surface coatings with synthetic polymer, contributing to the growing plastic pollution of the oceans. We could extend “Save the Turtles” to practically all life beneath the waves.

Finsulate: The future of eco-friendly antifouling

The European Union also recognizes that paint is the largest source of microplastics in seas and oceans. In the 2023 EU document Action Against Microplastics, the EU estimates that half of the microplastics in the sea come from paint.

Now, we don’t want to make anyone feel guilty. We should keep sailing and enjoying the sea! It’s also nearly impossible to find environmentally friendly antifouling paint that works as well as traditional toxic antifouling. Fortunately, there is an innovative solution to keep both the ship and the ocean clean: Finsulate!

The future of antifouling

The Dutch innovation company Finsulate offers an award-winning, environmentally friendly antifouling solution for the maritime industry. It is a non-toxic alternative that provides both high performance and environmental safety.

The unique and patented surface texture is applied as a film that wraps around the ship, preventing barnacles, algae, and seaweed from attaching. Finsulate is available for boats and ships of all sizes and highly interesting for offshore constructions. The award-winning innovation in antifouling makes sustainable and environmentally friendly practices economically and practically feasible. And if there is some buildup, it can easily be wiped off.

Finsulate: The future of eco-friendly antifouling

From pleasure boats to ocean liners

Everyone in the so-called “Blue Economy” is searching for a non-toxic antifouling solution. Increasingly strict regulations on chemical antifouling products make Finsulate essential for the entire industry’s future.

Finsulate began in 2017 on a small scale with pleasure boats. This ‘trial-and-error’ testing phase logically took several years to complete. Meanwhile, Finsulate won several Innovation Awards, and the composition and production process were further perfected.

Finsulate can now confidently offer an eight-year guarantee. Boats from the Finsulate test phase are still sailing, with the oldest already over ten years old. Can you calculate how much time this saves compared to traditional toxic antifouling?

Finsulate is set to target deeper waters and larger ships by 2025. Ultimately, everyone is looking for an environmentally friendly antifouling solution with reduced resistance and lower maintenance and fuel costs.

The unique and patented technology is scalable to meet maritime needs, such as pleasure boating, yachts, commercial vessels, and offshore installations.

Traditional antifouling paint is disappearing

Over time, toxic chemicals in antifouling paint leak into the water, killing marine life. We all want a cleaner and healthier ocean for future generations, but the industry struggles to find the right solution (and composition).

After the Anti-Fouling Systems Convention banned the use of TBT (tributyltin), more rules were introduced, monitored by the Biocidal Products Directive (BPD). Copper-containing paints are also increasingly being banned or heavily regulated.

Germany leads with stricter legislation

In Germany, there is a rush on toxic antifouling products. As of January 1, 2025, the new Biozide Rights-Durchführungs-verordnung (ChemBio zidOV) will come into effect.

Under the new law, individuals will no longer be allowed to purchase antifouling products, although professional companies still can (for now). However, this is expected to change soon as well.

Antifouling products containing Isothiazolinone (DCOIT), Dichlofluanide, Copper Flakes, Dicopper Oxide, Copper Pyrithione, Copper Thiocyanate, Tolylfluanide, Tralopyril, and Zineb will no longer be shipped to Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium.

We are pleased with this growing environmental awareness for marine life. More people realise that traditional antifouling is less effective as protection and that alternative antifouling paints quickly result in more resistance, higher fuel consumption, and greater maintenance costs. It’s time for change, and Finsulate is poised to become the new standard for environmentally friendly antifouling.

Long-lasting eco-friendly corrosion protection

The black Finsulate wrap feels like velvet, but tiny spikes make it difficult for barnacles, algae, and seaweed to attach. The self-adhesive wrap provides long-term corrosion protection, which is essential for ships in harsh maritime environments. Unlike traditional methods that absorb water and accelerate corrosion and osmosis, Finsulate protects the hull by blocking biofouling and moisture.

This dual protection preserves the ship’s integrity, reducing repairs and maintenance. Crucial for long-distance transport, Finsulate ensures efficiency and reinforces the commitment to sustainable shipping. Protect your ship and the sea!

Cost efficiency and fuel savings

Nobody likes time loss and maintenance costs. Finsulate reduces costs for maritime operators by requiring less frequent maintenance, and it is backed by an eight-year guarantee. The antifouling technology reduces biofouling, minimizes resistance, and improves fuel efficiency.

Lower fuel consumption reduces both costs and emissions, supporting sustainable practices. Unsurprisingly, Finsulate was nominated for the Earthshot Prize, awarded by Prince William of Great Britain, in 2023.

Easy maintenance and cleaning

Finsulate’s ease of maintenance and cleaning is truly remarkable. The non-toxic technology is resistant to biofouling, simplifying maintenance. Essential tools and minimal effort are sufficient when cleaning is needed, saving both time and resources.

Finsulate Award-winning antifouling innovation

The Dutch have a reputation for water management, yacht building, and innovations. Finsulate is rapidly becoming a market leader in non-toxic antifouling. Recognized with the European Inventor Award for a smart and environmentally friendly antifouling solution, the Finsulate product replaces harmful methods with a sustainable alternative without compromising performance.

Dive deeper into Finsulate

Experience the impact of Finsulate’s technology. Whether you’re a boat owner, ship maintenance manager, or employee at a shipping company, discover how Finsulate can redefine the maintenance and performance of ships.

Meet the Finsulate innovation team

We will be live at ICE 24 in Amsterdam, the world’s largest B2B Yacht Charter expo. Brokers, fleet managers, central agents, suppliers, and yacht owners will be under one roof.

Professionals meet at ICE to close new business deals and exchange insights about the industry. ICE brings together more than 1,500 participants from over 50 countries. During the 3-day event, ICE participants make over 20,000 appointments via Handshake B2B matchmaking software, allowing you to schedule meetings a month in advance.

We will also be at METS, where shipyards and suppliers for yacht building gather to discover new products like Finsulate or strengthen existing relationships.

Boot Düsseldorf

Mark your calendar for 2025: founder Rik Breur will be a guest during the panel discussion on “Innovation in antifouling technology,” held on January 23, 2025, at 14:15 in the Blue Innovation Dock at Boot Düsseldorf, the largest boat and water sports fair in Europe.

Finsulate: The future of eco-friendly antifouling

Contact us to visit a shipyard where Finsulate has been applied and see how we combat biofouling and simplify maintenance. Learn more via our Finsulate contact form and align your activities with sustainable practices and maritime innovation. Choose Finsulate for cleaner, more efficient, and environmentally friendly antifouling.
